Cricket Time
A cricket chirping in the house is considered good luck in Chinese culture. But in western culture we complain when they find their way indoors and chirp around the clock from a location that can't be found.
Colored pencil on Stonehenge paper
4th Place Drawing, 22nd Arts in Harmony International Show, Blaine, MN, 2017
Exhibited in "SWARM: Invasion of the Insects", Dowell, MD, 2016
Exhibited in California Fine Art, Sacramento, CA, 2015
1st Place, Pacific Art League Instructors' Exhibit, Palo Alto, CA, 2015
Exhibited in Pencil Art Society International Juried Exhibition, 2014
Exhibited in 12th Annual UKCPS Open International Exhibition, 2013
Colored pencil on Stonehenge paper
4th Place Drawing, 22nd Arts in Harmony International Show, Blaine, MN, 2017
Exhibited in "SWARM: Invasion of the Insects", Dowell, MD, 2016
Exhibited in California Fine Art, Sacramento, CA, 2015
1st Place, Pacific Art League Instructors' Exhibit, Palo Alto, CA, 2015
Exhibited in Pencil Art Society International Juried Exhibition, 2014
Exhibited in 12th Annual UKCPS Open International Exhibition, 2013