And the World Faded Away
While visiting Siena, Italy, I heard complex classical organ music coming from the piazza by the duomo. I followed the sound and it turned out to be this man playing like I've never heard an accordion played before. His focus and virtuosity held a crowd of onlookers enthralled. It was as if the rest of the world didn't exist as long as he played.
Graphite, colored pencil on Stonehenge paper
Exhibited in CPSA "Explore This! 9" online exhibition, 2013
Award of Merit, "California Fine Art" exhibition, California State Fair, 2013
Exhibited in Pencil Art Society Open Juried International Exhibition, Ottawa, Canada, 2016
Graphite, colored pencil on Stonehenge paper
Exhibited in CPSA "Explore This! 9" online exhibition, 2013
Award of Merit, "California Fine Art" exhibition, California State Fair, 2013
Exhibited in Pencil Art Society Open Juried International Exhibition, Ottawa, Canada, 2016